
Courses completed over the M.Ed. Concentration in 
Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)

EPSE 590 Graduating Portfolio taken in Winter 2019 
taught by Dr. Deb Butler and Janet Jamieson
The purpose of this course was to construct a final capstone project in the form of a website while being reflective of our journey through the HDLC Master's program. This seminar course focused reflecting on the program, reviewing growth, and presenting the findings in a capstone project. The project took the form of an e-portfolio and final oral presentation. This course helped me synthesize my learning over time, review coursework, groupwork and the assignments I have completed throughout the masters program. Additionally, I was able to make connections across the courses taken in the Master's program, and allow me to think of new career goals for the future.

EPSE 565R Developing Self Regulating Learners taken in Winter 2018 
taught by Deborah Butler
This course helped me make sense of what the difference is between self-regulation and self regulated learning, how can we support the development of self-regulated learners and what environments, activities, foster and support SRL. For this course in particular I examined the Inquiry Question 'How can a combination of Roots of Empathy and creating opportunities for self-regulated learning that are woven into the classroom foster and create active Self-Regulated learners?'

EPSE 598B Field Experience taken in Winter 2018 and Summer institute course with Jennifer Katz on the topic of Universal Design for Learning
 Throughout this course we participated in learning team meet ups and a summative inquiry project that could build on further from our 565R inquiry. The first inquiry question I traced for 565R looked at Empathy and creating opportunities for SRL and how that would impact student engagement. So for 598B I choose to reflect on that process, the successes and impact to my students, and then springboard from it to explore the inquiry question 'How can planning instruction through a UDL lens and creating opportunities for self-regulated learning that are woven into the classroom create a community of engaged SRL learners?’. This inquiry was impactful to me as a learner because I had the chance to pull on knowledge from Leyton Schnellert, Shelley Moore, Jennifer Katz, which I had the chance to experience guest lecture in 565i and develop a project called the Great Book Project. This classroom project with my grade 4/5's had me focus on engagement, tapping into learners' interests, offering appropriate challenges, and increasing motivation. I started to plan tasks with entry points for all learners, and teach it in a way that allowed learners to progress at their own pace.

EPSE 565I Conceptual Foundations in Inclusive Education taken in Winter 2018 taught by Kimberly MacNeil Inclusive Education 
During this course, we explored inclusive education, its history, and ways to supporting inclusive education within the classroom. Guest Lecturer's included Shelley Moore on What is Inclusion, Leyton Schnellert on Reimagining Diversity, Jennifer Katz on Teaching to Diversity. Course reading materials included and coursework reading by Shelley Moore's One Without the Other: Stories of Unity Through Diversity and Inclusion, Faye Brownlie and Leyton Schnellert's Its all about thinking: Collaborating to support all learners in English, Social Studies and Humanities, as well Jennifer Katz's Teaching to Diversity: The three-block model of universal design for learning. This course was impactful as it has helped me think differently when planning learning for my student by creating entry points for all learners. I now apply a UDL to my planning and teaching, and think about student diversity as bringing richness and new learning opportunities to my classroom.

EPSE 585 taken in Winter 2017 Social and Emotional Development in Education taught by Monique H Gagne PhD
During this course we developed a deeper understanding of what social emotional learning is, and why it is important in the education system. We reviewed and became more familiarized with the different programs and resources available to teachers on the subject. During this course we completed weekly reading responses that critically examined the literature on topics such as mindfulness, empathy, pro-social behaviour, intervention programs. The class included a guest lecture by Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl. This class helped me build more knowledge in my SEL focus area, and bring new knowledge and perspective into my different inquiries throughout the program.

EPSE 584 taken in Winter 2017 Motivation in Education 
taught by Dr. Nancy Perry
This course explored motivation in education, the various theories, and to think critically about the research in this field. During this course I explored the question "How can we motivate learners to actively engage and enhance in writing activities and skills?"  through a collaborative inquiry with two peers. We were all interested in an overarching theme which questioned how can we motivate learners to actively engage in writing activities and enhance their writing skills. We arrived at this question because we all noticed that our learners struggled with writing activities and it was sometimes difficult to motivate them. Throughout this inquiry we pulled on our individual experiences, course knowledge and readings and collaborative learning opportunities. This course supported key interest in getting students as active participants in learning.

EPSE 505 taken in Summer 2017 Foundations in Human Development: Infancy to Adulthood 
taught by Dr. Shawna Faber
This course touches on many aspects of human development, including motivation, positive thinking, achievement, diversity, and how the culture that you grew up in can influence you. For my final project in EPSE 505, I created a Core Competencies book list for the Personal Responsibility and Social Awareness Competencies, providing book suggestions, lesson ideas, and examples to be used in grades 3-6. This course helped me to synthesize learning about curriculum and the BC Core Competencies through a lens of human development while drawing on my love of children's literature.

EPSE 483 Reading and Interpreting Research in Education taken in Summer 2017  
taught by Dr Robin D Tierney
This is an introductory course that focuses on understanding educational research. This course has been useful in helping me evaluate literature and studies for validity, usefulness, and learning opportunities. 

EPSE 501 Seminar in Human Development, Learning and Culture 
taken in Winter 2016 
taught by Deborah Butler
This course provided a lot of background knowledge and content on Self-Regulated Learning, as well as exposing students to various methods of inquiry. One such fitting method was the spirals of inquiry which students used throughout the SRL MEd program. The spiral has helped provide me with a supportive framework and knowledge to inspire future inquiries.

LLED 441 Introduction to Teaching Children's Literature taken in Winter 2015 
taught by Dr. Kathryn Shoemaker

This course gave me the opportunity to explore my passion of children's literature and literacy. This course inspired me to use literacy within my classroom to engage with curriculum and develop multi-literacies in my students. It did so by exposing students to a variety of genres of literature, authors, and an invitation to students to attend a children's literature author event. The course helped me understand how to use literature to support instructional goals, and choose appropriate literature to support those goals.

ECED 416 taken in Summer 2014 
taught by Marie Thom
This course taught me about the early learning years, creating learning provocations, and presenting beautiful learning materials and curious and creative questions that motivate students to engage in learning.