Inclusive Education

"Navigating the waters, following my passions and experiencing a beautiful journey"

Inclusion is an area of learning that I am very passionate about due to coaching Special Olympics, and different life experiences. This was an important area of focus for me because I wanted to have all students find learning activities and teaching accessible to their learning needs. I feel as though I have shown growth in my learning about inclusion and the ways to support and foster it within the classroom and my teaching. I learned to provide a variety of methods, learning materials, choice, and ways to show what students know. As well as I became more knowledgeable in providing students with learning that taps into multiple forms of intelligences. In doing so I had students try and experience new things, and take risks as learners. I also challenge my learners to know themselves and identity. Therefore, when it came to completing course work and assignments I challenged myself to task risks when showing and sharing my own learning, and being reflective. I pushed myself to try new ways to present, and one such way is a graphic novel style inquiry presentation. During the summer institute of learning I was fortunate to experience 3 days of learning taught by Jennifer Katz, as well as add new professional development books written by her to my personal collection of resources.

Artifact 1:  MYT optional replacement project. I was away for a week coaching Special Olympic Golf at Provincials during our course. Due to missing a class I was given the option to facilitate a class discussion based on a current new item related to human development. I chose to lead to facilitate a session and conversation based on prompting questions surrounding the topic how ones sense of self can be developed through sports and activities. I shared my experience in Special Olympics, and the life lessons and joy experienced on this trip, and then facilitated a discussion around the question of in terms of sporting competitions and organizations such as Special Olympics, how do we see inclusion? Is this inclusion? And how does participation in sports of social activities help us develop our sense of self and identity?

Artifact 2: Learning Check In’s
Description: Throughout the  course I have reflected in weekly learning check ins about various experiences in my career, learning opportunities, goals, and new ways of thinking. I have some very powerful teaching stories, and links to UDL, Shelley Moores work, Leyton Schnellerts work and district inquires and pro-d opportunities that have arisen.

Artifact 3: Inquiry EPSE 565
This final project was completed as a part 2 of my graphic novel learning story which traced my learning during my inquiry that was centered on the question 'How can planning instruction through a UDL lens and creating opportunities for self-regulated learning that are woven into the classroom create a community of engaged SRL learners?’ I explored this question through a variety of literacy activities in my classroom and documented the results.
